Monday, November 17, 2008


(I wrote this blog soon as I read an article about a gang of white kids killing a hispanic man on Long Island) Yes, race relations have come a long way in America. We just elected a black President. BUT DON"T TELL ME RACISM DOESNT EXIST! In several blogs over the last few months, I have written about racism. A friend of mine replied to one of my racism blogs, he called it a 'red herring'. A Red fucking Herring!!? So, Is racism just a tiny nuisance that, when it happens, we should look the other way? NO! It continues being a real problem. It's not going away until we all act to stop it. Last weekend on Long Island, a group of kids (most of them white) decided to go "Beaner Hunting". Basicaly, they wanted to drive around until they found a random hispanic to beat up or kill. CONGRATULATIONS! They succeeded. They found and killed an innocent hispanic man on his way home from work.It scares me because the victim could have been me or any member of my family.There is absolutely nothing correct or funny about racism in any shape or form. There are racists who hate silently and from afar. They see nothing wrong with telling a 'nigger joke', as long as there are no "niggers" around, of course. These spineless cowards will write blogs online from the safety and comfort of their homes.This sort of racists annoy me but they are relatively harmless.What scares me are the racists so devoted to their hatred, that they would kill a complete stranger because the color of their skin. Sure, you can pretend racists don't exist.Then how do you explain all the reported "Hate Crimes?". They do happen.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My Own Personal Abortion Issue

I have a bright 8 year old grand-neice named Britney.
Some time ago, Britney inquired"What ith a-ab-aborshun?" (She has a lisp and was unsure of the word so she stuttered a bit trying to pronounce it)
This little girl was asking me what an abortion is. WOW! I was not expecting that anytime soon, or at all.
I have always tried to answer all her questioons, no matter how silly they may seem to adults.
I strongly beleive it is wrong to lie to a child or to ignore their questions, so now, I was stuck.
How do I answer this question so that a little girl can understand?
Do I go into detail about the moral concerns involved with the abortion topic?
I thought to first try a simple answer and hope it would suffice.
"An abortion is when a mommy does not want to have a baby"
I was met with a shocked expression. She must have thought "Why doesnt the mommy want the baby?"
I could see she was thinking hard now. I knew another question would now follow.
She actually asked "what does she do with the baby?"
In case she may have been confusing abortion with adoption, I figured I would need to clarify.
"Abortion is when a mommy kills a baby inside her stomach" I explained
She was even more horrified with this answer than my previous one.
I was expecting her to ask "why would a mommy kill the baby?"
Once again, the question I was expecting was not the one that was posed.
"Did my mommy want to abortion me?"
Somehow, my answer to this question came easily.
"No Britney, never. She always wanted to have a little baby daughter that would poop a lot and vomit on her shoulder"
She giggled, I guess with releif.
I thought I performed well under this tough line of questioning.Thank God it was over, or so I thought.
"Why do mommies do abortion?" Britney asked.
I may have been underestimating Britney's intelligence, and so, I figured, I would try more definitive answers.
"Sometimes a mommy is too young to take care of a baby. Sometimes a mommy does not have money to take good care of a baby; or sometimes, a mommy does not like babies"
She asked me several other questions and one lead me to telling Britney about an aunt she has that tried to persuade Britney's mom to have an abortion.
After the conversation, I tried to imagine, what if Britney's mom would have listened to the aunt.
Life without Britney? It's just unthinkable.

I guess I should start preparing for the question Britney might hit me with any day.
The one about making babies