Friday, October 10, 2008

Praise for McCain

Sarah Louise Palin has been asking 'who is the real Barack Hussein Obama'?

Words that were used describe Barack Hussein Obama; words used by fanatical John Sydney McCain supporters at rallies.
Some people utter Obama's middle name like it's somehow a code for terrorism.
(My middle name is Ivan, its a Russian name. Does that somehow make me a Communist?)
Kudos to John McCain for trying to put a stop to it tonight!
A man at a rally expressed a fear; fear for his newborn living under a Barack Obama presidency.
McCain returned to his microphone and in an attempt to settle the man, he said...
"I have to tell you he is a decent person and a person that you do not have to be scared of as president of the United States,"
Moments Later...
John McCain was forced to take the microphone from a woman who was saying Barack Hussein Obama is an Arab.
John Sydney McCain politely cut her off and rebuked her. McCain then properly characterized Obama by saying
"He's a decent, family man, a citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign is all about."
Each time that John McCain dispeled his supporter's fears, what did they do?
What is wrong with these people?!
There is an apparent strong HATRED for Barack Obama.
I fear some maniac might attempt an assassination of Obama and some of these people would clap and cheer.
This is a very strong and real panic I have that extends all the way down to my core.

Scary that there are such people in my country!
Shame to those people who agree with the fanatics!

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