Monday, October 27, 2008

What defines a terrorist?

For everything there must be an opposite, right?
I have seen plenty of videos where McCain-Palin suporters display rage and hate toward Obama.
Well, somewhere the opposite must exist, right?
Out of curiosity, I tried performing a search for videos of Obama supporters showing total anger and hate toward Mccain.

I could not find one. NOT A SINGLE ONE!

Conservative/Republican columnist Charles Krauthammer wrote in an article October 17, titled

Let me get this straight. A couple of agitated yahoos in a rally of thousands yell something offensive and incendiary, and John McCain and Sarah Palin are not just guilty by association -- with total strangers, mind you -- but worse: guilty according to The New York Times of "race-baiting and xenophobia.

If McCain's people aren't doing it, WHO IS?
Somebody or something is causing these McCain supporters to beleive that Barack Hussein Obama is a terrorist or an arab.

And Obama has shown no hesitation in doing so to McCain. Just weeks ago, in Springfield, Mo., and elsewhere, he warned darkly that George Bush and John McCain were going to try to frighten you by saying that, among other scary things, Obama has "a funny name" and "doesn't look like all those other presidents on those dollar bills."

I could find no specific instance where McCain himself had said these things.
But Palin stirs the fears about Obama with the question "Who is Obama" and then offers her own vague depiction of the man. She connects Obama with terrorism by his association with former-terrorist William Ayers. Of course, Palin fails to explain what Ayers did in the past that made him a terrorist so long ago.

This leaves it up to her excitable supporters to use their over-active imaginations.

If terrorists are people who hate America, blow up buildings and kill people, then we can conclude that Bill Ayers hates America and he must have blown up buildings and killed people.

As far as I could find, Bill Ayers blew up several buildings and statues but never killed anyone.

So basicaly, he is a vandal who produced lots of property damage.

If causing property damage makes you a terrorist, a lot of teenage frat boys and heavy metal bands should be considered terrorists as well.

So what is exactly defines a terrorist? A simple definition - Someone who uses violence or threat of violence to make a statement is a terrorist.

Bill Ayers did in fact engage in despicable violent acts when he was a young and stupid extremist protestor.

Now, he is 63 year old man who teaches in a college. I think, if he was still an active terrorist, he would not have employment as a university professor and would likely be under 24/7 surveillance by the government if not in federal prison.

If Obama is guilty by association to Ayers, I should be able to conclude that McCain and Palin are guilty by association to the ignorant, hateful, racist "agitated yahoos" at their own rallies; but I won't.

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